Register for Our Free Pickup & Delivery Service at Your Home or Place of Work
Our Free Concierge Service

(860) 297-1619
We have teamed up with apartment buildings and employers in the area to pick up your laundry and dry cleaning. The service is free. We offer:
Dry Cleaning and Shirt Laundering--clothes are professionally dry cleaned and shirts are laundered and pressed;
Wash & Fold- with our state-of-the-art washers and dryers, we wash, dry and fold your clothing, and return them cleaner than you can launder them at home.
If your employer or apartment building is not one of our partners, email us or give us a call and we will contact your employer or landlord to see if we can set up our concierge service at your office or apartment building.
Complete the Registration Form or Call Us to Register
Click the link below to register for our Concierge Service using a secure online form. Or if you prefer, you can register on the phone by calling us at (860) 297-1619. Once registration is complete, we will drop off laundry bags for you at work--one bag for shirt laundering and dry cleaning; a second bag for Wash & Fold items.