We offer special pricing for students at area colleges and graduate schools, including UCONN, UCONN Law School, University of Hartford, University of Saint Joseph and Trinity College. Just give us your school email address to get your discounts.
Wash, Dry & Fold Service -- $1.25/lb Always
Don't have time to wash your own clothes, try our Wash & Fold Service. Students get a discount of $.25/lb--that's over 15 percent off the regular price of $1.50/lb. Drop off your clothes at the store; you can pick them up the same day. Or sign up for our free Concierge Service and we'll pick up and deliver your clothes to your doorstep. Details below.
Dry Cleaning and Shirt Laundering
Several times during the year, we offer student disounts on dry cleaning and shirt laundering. We'll post our sales on this page.
Free Concierge Pick Up and Delivery Service
Our free Concierge Service is available for students living in off-campus housing near our West Hartford store location. We pick up and deliver twice a week--Monday and Thursday. Click the link below to register for this service using a secure online form. Or if you prefer, register by phone by calling (860) 297-1619. Once registration is complete, we will drop off laundry bags for you at your home--one bag for shirt laundering and dry cleaning; a second bag for Wash & Fold items. Make sure you tell us the pickup location.